Kaycie’s Bio

Well, hello there.

Have you ever felt like you are special? That you have some hidden gift or talent waiting to burst forth from you just at the right time? A unique quality so unique to you that your friends and admirers ooh and ahh when you show it off? Yeah, well at the sake of sounding completely self-involved I have to admit I have always felt that way, but most of the time I have suppressed it and written it off. After all, who am I to think I’m somebody?

Then, recently, I got to thinking (an activity in which I participate more often than not, a common side effect of having been a philosophy major I suppose) – what if, deep down, everyone feels the way I do? We love stories about heroes, masters-of-their-crafts, and underdogs..what if we all just want to be seen as the impressive entities that we really are? I am blessed with many close friends, people who love me and trust me enough to talk about themselves openly, and what I have learned is that we all seem to have a secret yearning to show off our hidden talents. The wonderful thing about us (i.e. the human species) is that we are so innately creative that each of us has something truly unique to share with the world. I believe that it is time for more of us to stand up and shout, “Dammit, I am special and I have something truly magnificent to offer the world!”.

As I traverse the wonderfully winding path of life I shall always keep in mind the words of one of my favorite philosophers, Socrates, when he said , “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Having spent my college years studying both philosophy and psychology, I am dedicated to learning about myself and sharing what I learn with others in the hopes that I can inspire them to discover and share their gifts, talents, hopes and dreams. We deserve a better life. Brothers and sisters, let’s create and grow together!


Vision Tree by Alex Grey


44 responses to “Kaycie’s Bio

  1. Hi K!
    Ya short haired sister here! ha ha ha… You thought you were special before…. NOW look at cha!!!

    Keep it rolling and lots of pure special love to you..

    Lisa xxxxxxxx

    • Lisa! Great to see you in this neck of the woods! I hope you will visit our site often. You are a wonderful role model for us gals and your encouragement and insights are MORE than welcome!

  2. You may have read this before, but your bio reminded me of this poem.

    Our Deepest Fear by Marianne Williamson

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
    Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
    It is our light, not our darkness
    That most frightens us.

    We ask ourselves
    Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
    Actually, who are you not to be?
    You are a child of God.

    Your playing small
    Does not serve the world.
    There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking
    So that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

    We are all meant to shine,
    As children do.
    We were born to make manifest
    The glory of God that is within us.

    It’s not just in some of us;
    It’s in everyone.

    And as we let our own light shine,
    We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
    As we’re liberated from our own fear,
    Our presence automatically liberates others.

    • The crazy cool thing about your comment, Mal, is that yes I have! Just recently I stumbled upon it and only days ago read it aloud to my dear friend Jerod. What a wonderful, wonderful message! I want to thank you for posting it here and can’t wait to see what other comments, advice, tips and insights you leave on this site. Welcome to Joyful Cacophony my sister-friend! ❤

  3. I like your bio a lot! Funny thing life is- today I was reading Plato and Socrates and all about “the unexamined life not worth living :)” So cool that it would show up on your blog- as I said I appreciate the synchronicities a lot!!!! Have a great night!!

    • Cool! Those are my favorite kind of coincidences, those moments when you see or hear something randomly that makes you say, “hey! we were JUST talking about that!” Glad to have been a source of synchronicity for you! Thanks for the comment and for visiting the blog! The more the merrier! ❤

  4. Juned, Thank you so much! What an honor! We will accept the award and spread the positivity with others. Thank you for nominating us! I hope you will keep writing as well. This online community is so wonderful, thanks to individuals like you! Cheers.

  5. I love the thinkers… the lovers… the sensitives… the creatives… the explorers… the gifted… the talented… the hopeful… the dreamers… I guess I simply love… and I’m loving finding you here! ❤

    • Birthmuse, I’m happy you stopped by! My friends and I are just trying to create a little space for ourselves to share our journeys with each other and others. I’m so humbled by some of the people I’ve met here on wordpress. Becoming a blogger has been such a joy in my life! I mean, I got to meet you now didn’t I? 🙂

  6. Hey Kaycie! How have you been? I’m returning from a hiatus from blogging. I look forward to seeing what you’ve been posting.

    • I have been good! It’s nice to have you back. I hope your hiatus left you with energy and inspiration to write some more awesome stuff! Feel free to comment on my latest posts, it’s always nice to hear from you!

      • Of course! And I look forward to commenting 🙂 How was tarot training?

      • Btw thanks for the repost! I’m glad that you liked the article!

  7. Kaycers, I am officially IN LOVE with your amazing blog and spirit, girl. I just started following you. Yay! Thanks for coming over to BigBodyBeautiful and poking around, honey. So beyond happy that we found each other. I cannot wait to devour your posts and all this yumminess. Keep rockin’ the love and positivity, my sister. XOXO

  8. Hello, I just tried accessing your website… & my internet provider has blocked it! SO angry! I’ll see if I can find a work around & let you know.
    Blessings be

  9. AwwwWWWwww thanks Derek! It may take me a little bit to put it up. I am behind on accepting my rewards! It is so wonderful to be thought of! You deserved the recognition as well my friend! ❤

  10. Hi Kaycie, nice to meet you. Been travelling around your beautiful blog. I also am a fan of Eckhart. Are you familiar with Adyashanti – check him out. He’s our favourite teacher.
    We’re all special. We’ve just forgotten 🙂 It’s that beetle-shell ego that does it 🙂
    Thanks for visiting our blog, and the likes and for following. I hope you enjoy the stories of our journey, both inner and outer.

    • You’ve been traveling around more than my blog! I am so excited to read more about your lifestyle! I love to travel!! I have not heard of that teacher, thank you for the heads up! You seem wonderfully special! So glad to meet you! Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Another lady who knows of her magnificence… wonderful… I’m checking your blog out too… It is wonderful… I was wondering where you lived? Thanks for the follow and lovely comments, I know we are going to be great friends sharing our wonderful journey together…. inspiring and supporting each other….Barbara

    • Barbara, thanks for stopping by! I am learning to appreciate my gifts, yes, and I do feel I have something to offer the world. Thank you for your warmth and sharing your lovely energy! To answer your question, I live in Illinois, what about you? Peace, K

  12. Thanks for your visit to my little corner of the blogworld.
    I thought that I’d stop by for a visit too.
    And – I am glad that I did because I think that I’m special too 🙂

    • You most assuredly are special. 🙂 I’m glad you aren’t too afraid to share your Truth. I have a poem I wrote called Who am I to Act Small, do you ever feel like people pretend to be limited when really we are all extremely powerful!??

  13. Yes, yes, and yes! Looks like Marianne Williamson hit it on the spot and definitely goes with your bio. And yes! Let’s create and grow together. 😀

    • Thank you Derek! I have a few awards to accept I’m ashamed to admit. I have trouble accepting praise, but I sincerely appreciate it especially from a fellow healer whom I respect! ❤ Thank you my dear!

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